Electromagnetic Hygiene in 12 easy Steps
How to create a cleaner electromagnetic environment
How to create a cleaner electromagnetic environment
Electromagnetic Hygiene
is a novel concept that refers to creating an electromagnetically “clean”
environment –in other words–keeping the levels of electromagnetic fields as low
as possible. Our environment is
increasingly being bombarded by electromagnetic frequencies that include (1)
radio frequency radiation, (2) poor power quality (also known as dirty
electricity), and (3) low frequency electric and magnetic fields, and ground
current. These different types of
electromagnetic exposure constitute–electrosmog– a form of pollution. Some people become ill when exposed to this
energy. For them, practicing good
electromagnetic hygiene is necessary to initiate their recovery. For those who are not sensitive, reducing
exposure to potentially harmful frequencies is a good preventative measure to
maintain good health. This FACT sheet
provides tips on how to create a cleaner electromagnetic environment in your
workplace and at home.
Types & Sources of Electrosmog:
I. Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave (MW) Radiation
Sources: Cell phone, cordless phone, smart meters, wireless baby monitors,
wireless computer games, microwave oven, Wi-Fi router, some wireless keyboards
and wireless mouse, wireless security systems, cell phone antennas, radar, TV
and radio broadcast antennas.
II. Dirty Electricity (Intermediate Frequencies)
Sources: Computers, televisions, tube fluorescent
lights, compact fluorescent light bulbs, dimmer switches, variable speed
motors/tools, treadmills, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, solar photovoltaic
cells, wind turbines, smart meters and devices that require inverters. Dirty electricity flows along wires and can
enter your home from neighbors through your electric panel.
III. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electric and
Magnetic Fields (EMFs)
Sources: Transmission lines, distribution lines (above and below ground),
substations, transformers, electric breaker panel, faulty wiring, knob and tube
wiring in older homes, power supply cables, electric appliances especially
those that generate heat (i.e. electric stove, toaster, hair dryer), computers,
and grounded metal pipes (in some areas).
IV. Ground Current (GC) also known as “stray
Sources: distribution and transmission lines (power lines), transformers,
substations, faulty wiring problems, insufficient capacity of neutral to return
unbalanced loads, equipment in the home or on farm. Note:
this is often an issue for the electric utility to resolve.
Electromagnetic Hygiene in your Workplace (school
1. Electric Equipment: Increase distance
from electrical cords and electric equipment. Move the power bar at least 1 meter away from your feet. Use a wired extended keyboard to increase your
distance from the computer screen. This
will reduce the magnetic field.
2. Lighting: Try to work with
the fluorescent tube lighting turned off. Remove CFL (compact fluorescent bulbs) from your work area. LED
lights (ones that don’t use transformers) are the lights of the future. In the meantime use incandescent light bulbs,
as these do not generate poor power quality.
NOTE: the original incandescent
light bulbs are no longer available in Canada as the government has mandated
that only energy efficient lights can be sold.
3. Internet
Use an Ethernet cable for Internet access (not Wi-Fi). If you need to use
wireless, ensure the wireless router is
as far as possible from your body and turn it off when not in use. Ensure that you turn off the Wi-Fi on your
computer (tablet) and not just the router.
Use a wired mouse and keyboard.
4. Cordless
Replace your cordless telephones with a corded landline phone. The new digital cordless phones in North America (DECT
phones) constantly emit microwave radiation, even when not in use. The older analog phones emit microwave
radiation only when being used. The best
option for reducing RF exposure is to use a wired phone.
5. Cell
Phone: Text instead of talk, and use the
“speaker phone” option when talking and don’t hold the phone next to your
head. Do not keep phone in a pocket, in
your bra, or on a belt. When signal is
weak and/or phone is searching for a carrier, it is transmitting at maximum
power and should not be used at this time.
When not using your cell phone, keep in airplane mode (with Wi-Fi turned
off) so it does not radiate.
6. Electrical
Panel & Utility Room: Ensure that workers (students) are at least 3
meters from an electric panel and are not adjacent to a utility room as these
generate high magnetic fields.
NOTE: Low frequency
magnetic fields (those that we use for electricity) can penetrate walls,
windows, doors, ceilings and floors.
Consequently exposure in one room may be coming from an adjacent
room. For this reason it is important to
spend as little time as possible near such sources even if they are on the
other side of the wall. Radio frequency
radiation can also penetrate walls and is blocked or reflected by metal objects
generating potential hotspots. If you
are in a location where there is a radio frequency (RF) source and metal
objects (filing cabinet, frig, stove, sink, etc.), your RF exposure may be
higher or lower depending on the location of the source, the metal and your
qualified technician measure your workplace for electrosmog. In areas where people spend hours each day,
levels should be less than the following values: 1 milliGauss for power frequency magnetic
fields; 5 V/m for power frequency
electric fields; 40 GS units for dirty electricity; 0.01 microW/cm2 for
wireless radiation; 0.5 V for ground current at 60 Hz; and 10 mV for kHz ground
Electromagnetic Hygiene in your Bedroom
We spend a third of each day in our bedroom and for that
reason, it is important that the bedroom be electromagnetically clean. Reduce
electrosmog in your bedroom by following the steps for your office as well as
the steps below:
Baby Monitor: Remove wireless baby monitors. Wireless baby monitors
constantly transmit microwave radiation. Infants should not be exposed
to this radiation. Sound activated baby
monitors are not yet available in North America but are available in Europe.
Clock Radio: Move
clock radio (and other electric equipment) so it is at least 1 meter
from your bed (clock radios emit electromagnetic fields that may affect sleep). Keep bedroom as dark as possible as light
also affects sleep.
Computer, Cell Phone, Wi-Fi router, tablets: Unplug computer at
night if it is in your bedroom.
Disconnect Wi-Fi router and turn your cell phone off or keep it in
airplane mode with Wi-Fi turned off. This
is especially important for children under the age of 18. Several national and international advisories
are recommending that children under the age of 18 limit their cell phone use. Use ipods/ipads/smart tablets in airplane mode
with Wi-Fi turned off and use a wired computer for Internet access.
Smart Meters: Ask your utility to have your wireless smart
meter wired or use analog smart meters.
If this is not possible, use GS filters[1]
to reduce the levels of dirty electricity generated by smart meters and do not
sleep in room adjacent to the smart meter. Shielding of the meter may be necessary if
your smart meter emits radiation frequently (visit www.slt.co for meters and shielding material).
Electric Blanket and Waterbed: Avoid use of electric
blankets and waterbeds. If you need to
use an electric blanket, unplug it after it has warmed the bed. This eliminates the electric and magnetic
fields generated by these blankets. If
you turn the electric blanket off but leave it plugged in, it will generate an
electric field. So to reduce exposure
unplugging the blanket is essential.
6. Turn
Bedroom Power Off: Consider turning off the power (at the
electrical panel) to your bedroom (and adjacent rooms) while you sleep.
more information visit:
[1] GS filters are tuned capacitors that reduce high frequencies
voltages (transients) on electrical wires.
They protect sensitive electronic equipment. Research shows they also reduce symptoms of
electrohypersensitivity. These filters
need to be installed with proper monitoring (microsurge meter) to ensure levels
are sufficiently low for maximum benefit (visit www.getpurepower.ca for dirty electricity meters and GS filters).
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